Storage method of PU color paste

- 2023-07-21-

PU color paste is a kind of paint pigment containing polyurethane resin. The following are suggestions on the storage method of PU color paste:
Storage temperature: The best storage temperature of PU color paste is usually between 5°C-25°C. Avoid exposing colorants to extreme heat or cold to prevent their quality from being compromised.

Avoid light: PU color paste should be stored in a light-proof environment to prevent direct exposure to ultraviolet light or other light sources. Prolonged exposure to light may cause the colorant to change color or deteriorate.

Airtight container: Store the PU colorant in a well-sealed container to prevent the entry of air and moisture. Air and moisture may cause oxidation, condensation or deterioration of the colorant, affecting its quality and stability.

Shake Gently: Gently shake the colorant container periodically to promote even mixing of the ingredients and to prevent sedimentation. Be careful not to shake or stir vigorously so as not to introduce too many air bubbles.

Avoid contact with organic solvents: PU color paste should avoid contact with organic solvents to avoid irreversible reactions or pigment changes. When storing, keep the colorant in an area away from organic solvent items.

Storage time: PU color paste can usually be stored for several months to several years under suitable conditions. However, please refer to the specific instructions and recommendations provided by the colorant supplier to ensure that the colorant is used within its recommended expiration date.

Please note that the above suggestions are for reference only, and the specific storage methods may vary due to different PU color paste formulations and supplier requirements. To ensure optimum quality and performance, always refer to the guidelines and recommendations provided by the colorant supplier.